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Lakeside Family & Implant Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Discover Serene Dental Care with Sedation Dentistry at Lakeside Family & Implant Dentistry

At Lakeside Family & Implant Dentistry, we understand that dental anxiety is a real concern for many patients. We believe that every individual deserves access to comfortable, stress-free dental care. That's why we offer Sedation Dentistry, a solution that can make your dental experience calm, relaxed, and anxiety-free.


What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It's ideal for those who experience dental anxiety or fear, ensuring a comfortable and calm experience. We hope this option helps make dental care accessible to many more of our patients. We offer various options for sedation so that you can have the best dental experience!

Reasons for Sedation Dentistry

Patients opt for sedation dentistry for various reasons:

  • Dental anxiety or phobia: If a fear of needles or tooth scrapers makes it hard to sit through a simple cleaning, sedation can help you relax.
  • Sensitive teeth or a low pain threshold: If pain is the issue, sedation also manages pain and can help you comfortably go through your appointments.
  • Need for a large amount of dental work: Will you need to sit through a long procedure in the future? Consider sedation to help the appointment fly by.
  • Past traumatic dental experiences: Didn’t have a great appointment in the past? We hope that our sedation options can bring you calm so you can receive dental care and keep up with your oral health!

Types of Sedation

At Lakeside Family & Implant Dentistry, we offer several sedation options:

  • Nitrous Oxide: Also known as laughing gas, it's inhaled through a mask.
  • Oral Sedation: Taken in pill form before the appointment.
  • IV Sedation: Administered through a vein, offering deeper sedation.

IV Sedation vs Oral Sedation

IV Sedation

  • Faster onset and can be adjusted in real-time.
  • Ideal for longer or more complex procedures.

Oral Sedation

  • Easy to administer, just a pill to swallow.
  • Suitable for patients with mild anxiety and shorter procedures.

Sedation Dentistry FAQ

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Absolutely. Dr. Saluja is extensively trained in sedation techniques, ensuring your safety and comfort.

Will I be completely unconscious?

No, most sedation techniques keep you awake but relaxed. You’ll be able to respond to our team’s requests to turn your head, open your mouth, and more.

Can I drive after my appointment?

For most sedation types, you will need someone to drive you home. It can take time for the sedatives to wear off, though there shouldn’t be any lasting side effects.

Can anyone use sedation for their appointments?

As with any medication, Dr. Saluja will take a careful look at your medical history to check that no other medications or health issues could put your safety at risk. If you have allergies to the sedative, suffer from sleep apnea, or have other dangerous health conditions, it may not be safe to use sedation.

Can my children be sedated for their appointment?

As with adults, Dr. Saluja will check the patient’s age and medical history to make sure sedation is safe to use. Inform Dr. Saluja of any health conditions or concerns you have about your child that may put their safety or health at risk.

Pricing and Insurance

While the cost of sedation dentistry can vary, it's a worthwhile investment for a stress-free dental experience. At Lakeside Family & Implant Dentistry, we offer transparent pricing and accept various insurance plans. Discuss your specific needs with us at (586) 228-0909 for a personalized cost breakdown.

Call to Schedule an Appointment Today

Ready to experience stress-free dental care? Contact Dr. Raman Saluja at Lakeside Family & Implant Dentistry in Clinton Township, MI, for a consultation on sedation options. Call us at (586) 228-0909 to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards comfortable and anxiety-free dental care.

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